The first of the 'OENONE' character reveals is here!
Meet Jasen Park. Jasen is a recently graduated architect, working security at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum while he searches for a job in his field. He's an art lover at heart, and enjoys being surrounded by art while at work. His favorite sculpture in the museum is Harriet Hosmer's Oenone, there's just always something about her that draws him.
So imagine his shock when the museum alarms are tripped and he finds the sculpture missing, a mysterious but familiar looking trespasser in its place! She's rattled, injured, and rambling about finding her husband. Will Jasen leave her to fend for herself, or will his caring nature take over and offer her help?

What am I reading right now? The Two Towers by JRR Tolkien!
I used to read the entirety of The Lord of the Rings once per year. I've slowed down quiet a bit on that - in fact the last full reread I completed was in 2019. Last year was a difficult year, and I felt that a visit to my comfort zone was in order so I embarked on a re-read in October. It's slow going because I'm listening to the Andy Serkis narrated audiobooks on Spotify, and I hit my listening hours each month and have to take a break until they refresh.
